Monday, August 16, 2010

Rhyming Cats

We're pet sitting for rhyming cats this week. Napy and Mapi. They're not related and don't even know each other, but their personalities are so similar! Weird... We seem to be getting a lot of hissy cats this summer.

We've been pet sitting for Mapi for years, and she still hates our human, or any other stranger who happens to venture into her house. So when our human's there, she sits on her cat tree in the kitchen and glares. Then she hisses. Then she glares some more. The best part of the visit is when our human tells Mapi she loves her and leaves.

Napy's name is Napoleon. Maybe because she's so territorial. She meets our human at the door and hisses. Then she follows her to the food dishes, still hissing. But she becomes a different cat when our human gets out the treats. Then she's all purrs and our human's best buddy. Maybe we should try giving Mapi treats. Oh, never mind. She doesn't like them.

Here's her picture. Isn't she beautiful!

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