Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Broken Heart -- Again

I'm so sad again. Our Tommy cat crossed over to the other side last week. Except for PK, all my old friends who I loved so much are gone. I can't write now... Here's our human.

It's been exactly a week to the minute that I heard that horrible scream. Then I discovered my wonderful, strong, funny Tommy cat limp on the floor. Tommy's cardiologist and all the websites I read warned that one of the complications of HCM is "sudden death." Yes, it was sudden. That afternoon, he met me at my car, clawed his signature into the post of the trellis as he'd done many times a day for 14 years and followed me inside for a bite to eat. A few hours later, he was gone. I still don't believe it. So many losses this year -- Little Gray, some of my favorite pet sitting cats and now Tommy. I've written some of my memories of our time together on a separate page. I hope you enjoy reading them.

Here's Tommy, my wonderful Tommy, sleeping on his favorite chair on the balcony.

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