Thursday, July 29, 2010

Buttons and Bows

I got a new collar today, and our human loves it. It's black to match my fur, with black and white gingham bows and a little black button in the middle of every bow. I also got a charm -- a glittery heart because our human loves me -- to put on the collar. It's all very pretty and girly and princess-like because, well, I'm a Princess.

The problem is that it took me two years to figure out how to lose the collar I had. And then our human went right out and bought me this one. The heart and bell clank together, and all the little animals can hear me coming from a mile away. And if they don't hear me, they see me because the glittery heart sort of glows in the dark.

I know it's the thought that counts, but I would have preferred a heart-shaped catnip toy.  Wait! I think we have some of those! Gotta go... I'll be back tomorrow night.

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